Monday 13 November 2017

Forex Hemmelige Protokoll Free Download

Gratis nedlasting forex-hemmelige protokale nettsider, oppdater hver dag i Forex Secret Protocol, en mekanisk metode for Forex trading som hevder å redusere hele handelsprosessen til et sett med regler, eller protokoller har tatt oppmerksomheten til ForexSecretProtocolReviews8217s Stan Stevenson, og ber om en undersøkende gjennomgang. 8220Forex Secret Protocol er et flott verktøy for både den erfarne og nybegynnere Forex Trader. Opprettet av Toshko selv, inneholder denne fullstendige DVD-opplærings - og opplæringsbanen 6 DVDer som dekker alt folk trenger for å komme i gang, 8221 rapporterer Stevenson. 8220This trading system er spesielt utviklet for å fungere i today8217s flyktige marked for å hjelpe folk å få et reelt og betydelig overskudd. Det analyserer større datamengder med raskere hastighet enn noen gang før. 8221 Forex Secret Protocol er tilgjengelig som et fysisk produkt, og programmet inneholder et DVD-sett som går gjennom brukere gjennom systemet, tre skreddersydde indikatorer og Adaptive Trend Locator (ATL). ) samt diverse bonuser. Brukere vil også få tilgang til 8216Protocol HQ8217 private medlemmer området der man kan ha en live chat med Raychev. Den høyt avanserte dynamiske posisjoneringsindikatoren er usannsynlig nøyaktig, rask og er lasermålrettet for å gjøre folk mer oppsett og mer potensielt lønnsomme handler. SARA eller Signal Automation Recognition Alert konverterer folkegjenvinningen fra Dynamic Positioning Indicator til en rask metode for å gjøre alvorlig rikdom. 8220Forex Secret Protocol er et omfattende opplærings-, veilednings - og signalgjenkjenningsvarslingssystem som dekker alt folk trenger for å sette opp og starte trading Forex. Det analyserer nok informasjon og er i stand til å reagere og tilpasse seg markedsendringer raskt nok, sier Stevenson 8221. 8220 Trading Manual er syltetøy fylt med informasjon skrevet på en måte som både nybegynnere og erfarne forhandlere raskt kan lese, fordøye og forstå. Noen få timer er alt som folk trenger for å forstå nøyaktig hvordan Forex Secret Protocol fungerer, og de kan da begynne å handle.8221 8220Folk trenger bare å tilbringe minutter med sin dyrebare fritid, noe som betyr at selv de mest sultede personer kan dra nytte av tjene penger trading Forex ved hjelp av Forex Secret Protocol. I motsetning til de fleste av de nye Forex trading systemene og roboter som rammer markedet som bruker antikvitetsteknologi, benytter dette programmet flere indikatorer som fungerer synergistisk for å gi brukerne et klart bilde av hva som skjer før tiden i praktisk talt et scenario. Folk lærer også nøyaktig hvordan man bruker MetaTrader4-plattformen til deres personlige full fordel for å oppnå maksimal fortjeneste.8221 Free Download Forex Secret Protocol. rar: ForexTrendHero forextrendhero protocol1reportfsp. pdf (User8217s manual) Gratis nedlasting Forex Secret Protocol 2-3.rar: CandlePredictor. ex4 DailyMovement. ex4 HourlyMovement. ex4 HourlyStats. ex4 protocol1reportfsp. pdf protocol2reportfsp. pdf protocol3reportfsp. pdf Sjekk alle Forex Secret Protocol-produkter fra her. Forex Profit Fusion er en middels kompleksitet tilnærming, og ville pakke de som elsker å tinker med indikatorer og liker å ha mye informasjon på sine diagrammer. Det bruker også tilbakestillingsstopp, og ta overskuddsnivåene er mer dynamiske og stemmer veldig godt med det som skjer i markedet til enhver tid. Dette er et flott system for mellomliggende til avanserte handelsfolk fordi det er mer komplisert og tar litt øvelse for å mestre. Når det er sagt, vil alle næringsdrivende ha nytte av denne tilnærmingen til handel og kan betraktes som en mer fullstendig tilnærming, da vi kan handle reverseringer sammen med vanlig og skjult divergens. Det er også godt utviklet for litt scalping når du søker etter signaler. Indikatorer: Bollinger Bands 5 periode Glattende Flytende Gjennomsnittlig satt til Høy a. Rød 5 Periode Glattende Flytende Gjennomsnittlig satt til Lav a. Blue Fibonacci Pivot THVForex Secret Protocol 2. versjon av en lønnsom strategi Det nye handelssystemet Forex Secret Protocol v2 består av 11 indikatorer og er designet for å handle på tidsrammen M5 eller høyere. Forex Secret Protocol v2 (FSP v2) ble raskt populært blant et stort antall handelsfolk på grunn av sine gode resultater. Systemet FSP v.2 kan bestemme den langsiktige trendbevegelsen av indikatoren FSP HTF Trend, og bruk deretter en av reglene for strategien for åpning av posisjoner (detaljer i brukerhåndboken). Strategisk karakteristikk Forex Secret Protocol v2 Type strategi: Indikator Platform: Metatrader4 Valutapar: Eventuell handelstid: Døgnet rundt Timeplan: M5 eller høyere Anbefalt megler: Alpari Strategy Forex Secret Protocol v2 har flere alternativer handel (konservativ og aggressiv), så vennligst les i monuale som kan lastes ned nederst i dette innlegget. Generelt er inngangene i de lange og korte posisjonene i systemet intuitive og enkle for deg å forstå dem. Se bilde: For å åpne en Lang posisjon bør være at indikatorene blår blå. Avslutt under fargeendring til rød: For å åpne en kort posisjon, skal indikatorene bli rødt. Utgang under fargeendringer til blå: I arkivene ForexSecretProtocolv2.rar: Gratis nedlasting Forex Secret Protocol v2 Vennligst vent, vi forbereder linken din Innenfor hemmeligheten til trading Forex som har gjort noen mennesker ekstraordinære velstående. De sa at det ikke kunne gjøres, men en tre gang - International Trading Competition Champion - Stunned The World. Ikke en gang, men tre ganger. Med et system som enkelt produseres en måned gevinst på 651,50. 809,09. 118,63. Og du er i ferd med å lære hvordan du kan ha det samme livet som endrer månedlige gevinster. Du skal lære den hemmelige Forex trading protokollen som har bedret verden med sin unike evne til å tjene penger raskere og mer konsekvent enn noe system noensinne. opprettet. Det er langt mer enn bare et Forex-system, det er en komplett handelsprotokoll som, når den følges, kan gjøre deg rik. svært raskt. Vennligst hold et åpent sinn fordi denne metoden for handel er ulik alle Forex-systemer du noensinne har sett. Det er hjernebarnet til en av de største handelsmennene til å leve. Ti tusenvis følger ham på sosiale medier og holder fast ved sitt eneste ord. Forex Secret Protocol 20.831 liker - 2 443 snakker om dette Han har evnen til å ta penger ut av Forex markedet etter ønske. De som han har lært sin Forex gjennombrudd til. har sett deres fortjeneste sveve. I motsetning til andre systemer for handel som har kommet før det, vil du bli overrasket over denne helt nye måten å handle Forex. Jeg forsikrer deg om at du aldri har sett noe eksternt likt det du skal oppdage. Dette vil forandre hvordan du ser på Forex trading for alltid. Toshko Raychev er en tre-time-mester i den største uavhengige handelskonkurransen i verden. Dette er hans en måned gevinster. 651.50 I en måned 809.09 I en måned 118.63 I en måned I dag har du mulighet til å se nøyaktig. Slik kan han se massive trippeltallgevinster i en enkelt måned i en live ekte pengerkonto. Toshko Raychev Kjære venn, jeg skriver deg i dag om noe av stor betydning. Noe som kan forandre livet ditt. Så vær nøye med hva jeg må dele med deg. Dette kan veldig godt være det viktigste du noensinne vil lese hvor din økonomiske fremtid er bekymret. Dette er ikke en annen bli rik rask ordning. Det vil ikke gi deg penger mens du sover eller uten innsats fra din side. Det kan imidlertid gjøre deg rik. svært raskt. Hei jeg heter Toshko Raychev og jeg er fra Bulgaria. Du kan finne historien min litt uvanlig. Det er en historie om besluttsomhet, å komme seg opp igjen etter at jeg ble slått ned og kommer ut på toppen. Det jeg vil dele med deg i dag, er en velprøvd metode for handel med verdens største og mest flytende marked, noe som gjør meg veldig god med bare min datamaskin og en Internett-tilkobling. Arbeider bare et par timer om dagen fra hvor som helst i verden jeg velger å være. Jeg tror trading Forex er den enkleste måten på jorden å tjene så mye penger som du vil i det minste tid. Fordi jeg gjør det hver dag uten å svette. Jeg har lært andre hvordan jeg skal gjøre det, og i dag vil jeg vise deg hvordan du også kan få et fast ess på ermet ditt hvor du kan gjøre så mye du vil, når som helst du vil. Jeg vet hvorfor du kan miste. Hvis du har handlet, og ikke tjene penger, eller enda verre, mister du penger, det er ikke din feil. De fleste, noen sier til og med opp til 98 av folk som handler Forex, mister. Men du trenger ikke lenger. Heres det store problemet: Hvert system som jeg er klar over i dag er seriøst utdatert etter min mening. Spør alle som handler, og har i 4 eller 5 år, og de vil fortelle deg at det er vanskeligere å tjene penger enn det pleide å være. Markedet har endret seg. Men systemene har egentlig ikke endret seg i mange år. De er alle i utgangspunktet de samme få konseptene som har blitt brukt for alltid med forskjellige navn og emballasje. Grunnen til at så mange handelsmenn mister penger på Forex-markedet, er fordi de bruker utdaterte og antikke systemer. De gamle handelsmetodene virker ikke lenger. Jeg vet at det kan være vanskelig å tro at du kan slå det hele om et par dager og bli svært lønnsomt. Jeg forsikrer deg ikke om det. Dette er ulikt noe annet system for handel du noensinne har sett. Dette er den største fremgangen i handel siden hjemmedatamaskinen det har gjort trading forex noe jeg kan regne med for å få meg penger hver og hver måned. Som ei klokke. Toshko Raychev Jeg ønsker å få dette ut i det åpne helt fra begynnelsen: Jeg er en full-time Forex handelsmann. Jeg er ikke en markedsfører. Jeg er ikke skuespiller. Systemet jeg skal fortelle om i dag, er systemet jeg bruker for å handle markedet hver dag. Alt du skal se er ekte. Lies, Lies Lies. Jeg er så syk og lei av løgnene og bedra de som noen bruker til å selge oss handelsmenn verdiløse systemer som du er. Som mange av dere har jeg blitt offer for disse direkte svindelene. Selv om over 20 000 handelsmenn følger tett mine signaler på sosiale medier, og jeg har lært mer enn 3000 mennesker hvordan man kan handle mer lønnsomt, skjønner jeg at du kanskje ikke kjenner meg. Derfor vil jeg sikkerhetskopiere alt jeg forteller deg med ubestridelig bevis. Problemet med de fleste hvert system jeg prøvde er at de bare ikke fungerte. Jeg betalte gode penger til mange av disse, og alt de gjorde var å miste meg penger. Kanskje du er i samme båt. Og du kan være litt skeptisk når jeg sier at dette systemet er annerledes, det er svært lønnsomt og kan fungere for deg. Jeg klandrer deg ikke. Det er hva hvert system sier. Toshko Raychev Selv de beste systemene synes ikke å fungere lenger. Som jeg sa, er det annerledes nå. Det er vanskeligere å være lønnsomt. Systemet jeg har opprettet og at du skal lære, har tatt år å utvikle. Den bruker flere indikatorer i motsetning til noe du noensinne har sett. Det gir deg muligheten til å inngå handler med fullstendig og total tillit. Du vil se gode oppsett miles før andre handelsfolk. Den har den høyeste gevinsten av et hvilket som helst system du noensinne har sett. Dette systemet er så avansert at du vil lukke handler med et stort fettresultat mens andre fremdeles sliter med å finne et inngangspunkt. Tre avanserte spesialkodede egendefinerte indikatorer som bruker svært unike beregninger for verdiene sine, kan se gode oppsett lenge før noe annet system kan. Den hemmelige protokollen for handel jeg oppdager, gjør meg penger enkelt og konsistent, og det kan gjøre det samme for deg Toshko Raychev Det har ikke alltid vært slik for meg, men. Jeg tok en veldig ekte slå på flere måter enn en for å komme til hvor jeg er i dag. Men det jeg lærte underveis, og vil dele med deg i dag, kunne gjøre reisen til stor rikdom og frihet raskt og enkelt for deg. Det er fordi jeg allerede har gjort alt hardt arbeid. Jeg har gjort mange års forskning, hundrevis av timer med testing - bare for å få markedet til å slå meg til en masse med mange feil underveis. Jeg har gjort alt hardt arbeid, så du trenger ikke å gjøre noe mer enn å følge en enkel å lære, og 100 bevist system for å skape rikdom i motsetning til andre i verden. Tenk deg et øyeblikk at hver måned vokste kontoen din med minst 100. Hva ville det bety for deg Til din fremtid Hvor mange år ville det være før du kunne pensjonere Hvor lenge vil det være før du levde livet du alltid har håpet på Aldri bekymre deg for penger igjen. Arbeid når du vil og aldri mer enn noen få timer om dagen. Betaler penger for ting andre tar år å betale for. Som biler, båter, til og med et hus. Pendler aldri på jobb igjen. Arbeider fra hvor som helst i verden hvor du har en Internett-tilkobling. Tar lange og dyre ferier med ikke en omsorg i verden om hvor mye det koster. Forteller barna at de kan gå til enhver høyskole de vil ha. Gi rikelig til din favoritt veldedighet uten en annen tanke. Ser utseendet på naboene dine når du trekker deg opp i en bil som koster mer enn huset deres. Betal kontant for et strandhus, en leilighet i fjellet eller hva som helst annet flyter båten din. Til nå har disse kanskje virket umulige. Selv bare en fjern drøm. På et øyeblikk vil jeg vise deg at ikke bare disse drømmene er oppnåelig, jeg skal vise deg hvordan du får det til å skje nesten over natten. Jeg bevise at 100 ekstra månedlige gevinster er mulige ved hjelp av dette gjennombruddssystemet. Jeg har gjort det. Hvordan jeg kan gjøre handler som denne når som helst jeg vil. Toshko Raychev Jeg har ikke alltid vært en Forex Trader. Jeg er en svart belte og nasjonalmester i karate. Jeg har tilbrakt mange år trening i kampsport. Du vil bli sjokkert for å lære at det jeg har lært av Karate, kunne gi deg mer penger enn du noen gang trodde du handlet Forex. Og hvor raskt det kan skje. La meg fortelle deg en historie. Etter mange års trening i Karate konkurrerte jeg til slutt i et nasjonalt karate-mesterskap. Svært tidlig på dagen, i min andre kamp, ​​brøt jeg beinet mitt. Det vondt som helvete, men jeg vant kampen. Jeg antar at folk flest ville kaste inn håndkleet på det tidspunktet. Jeg var ung, sta og kunne lukte seier og ønsket det mer enn noe annet. Jeg overtalte leger og dommere å la meg fortsette. Etter å ha vunnet mitt andre til den siste kampen, var jeg et rot. Knuste ben, sprukne ribber, kutt over øynene mine. Men jeg vant den kampen også. De ville ikke la meg fortsette til den siste kampen skjønt. De sa at jeg var så dårlig for å kunne fortsette. Jeg var hjertebrudd. Jeg hadde kommet så nært. Det tok et år for at min smadde kropp skulle helbrede. Det året trente jeg hardere enn jeg noensinne har hatt i mitt liv. Som min ødelagte kropp gjenopprettet, satte jeg på å trene tankene mine for å vinne. Lære hemmelige slåss teknikker og protokoller av karate mestere. Jeg var fast bestemt på å vinne neste konkurranse. Jeg ville ikke la noe stoppe meg. Da neste nasjonale turnering kom, var jeg villig til å være undefeatable på alle nivåer. Jeg hadde busted min rump og gjort alt for å forberede meg til å vinne. Jeg hadde gjort meg oppmerksom på at ingen andre utfall var akseptabelt eller mulig. Ingen kunne legge en hånd på meg. Jeg vant første plass i det nasjonale Karate-mesterskapet, og jeg hadde ikke en rip på meg. Livskampene går ikke alltid til den sterkere eller raskere mannen. Men før eller senere er mannen som vinner, mannen som tror han kan. - Bruce Lee Jeg visste at jeg ville vinne den dagen før jeg selv gikk inn i ringen. Jeg hadde oppnådd mitt mål og det føltes fantastisk. Det lærte meg kraften i engasjement og besluttsomhet. At du kan oppnå alt du ønsker hvis du vil ha det dårlig nok og er villig til å gjøre det som trengs for å få det. Et par år senere fortalte en venn av meg om Forex trading. Da jeg gravd dypere inn i informasjonen jeg kunne finne på nettet, kunne jeg se at dette var en måte å tjene mye penger på. Tross alt handles nesten 4 billioner dollar daglig. Jeg leser om Forex-forhandlere som lager hundrevis av tusen dollar i en enkelt måned. Så jeg studerte Forex hardt med samme besluttsomhet jeg hadde mot Karate. Og snart gjorde jeg faktisk litt penger. Men den andre skoen var i ferd med å slippe. Akkurat som jeg tenkte, ville jeg snart gjøre en anstendig levende handel, akkurat som i den første karate turneringen, begynte jeg å ta et slag. En finansiell tap. Det gjorde en knust bein og noen sprukne ribber virker som en tur i parken. Jeg mistet mye penger i blinket av et øye. Akkurat som med Karate, visste jeg at svaret måtte ligge i kunnskap og opplæring. Så fortsatte jeg å lære alt jeg kunne finne. Jeg fortærte ravenously all informasjon jeg kunne finne på handel. Alt jeg syntes var de samme systemene og teknikkene med bare mindre forskjeller. Det var som alle Forex-systemer var i utgangspunktet det samme. Og folkene i forumene som brukte dem, gjorde ikke noen ekte penger, de fleste tapte. Jeg kom til den konklusjonen at selv om markedet hadde forandret seg drastisk de siste årene, hadde måten folk handlet ikke til. Med alle fremskritt innen teknologi hadde ingen virkelig satt teknologi til arbeid for å finne en ny og bedre måte å handle på Forex. Å se på mer informasjon som ville identifisere gode oppsett raskere. Ingen hadde satt sammen en godt lagt ut protokoll for Forex Trading som noen enkelt kan følge og tjene penger med. La meg forklare noe om Karate. Det handler ikke bare om å lære noen spark og slå og praktisere dem. Karate handler om å følge nøyaktige protokoller. Fra det øyeblikket du går inn i Dojo, er alt gjort på en bestemt måte. Ingen unntak. Jeg visste at det også må være en nøyaktig protokol for trading Forex, som hvis følger, ville resultere i flere vinnende handler og mindre tapere. Jeg begynte å tenke på hva karate hadde lært meg. Ikke hvordan å sparke noen i hodet, men de dypere, mer viktige sinnsnivåene, alle sanne karate-mesterer vet, er den virkelige magien bak deres mojo. I Karate lærer du å bevege seg i henhold til motstanderen din. De, ikke du, bestemmer hva du skal gjøre. Og seier avhenger av din evne til å forutse deres neste skritt selv før de vet hva det vil være. Nå, mens markedet ikke er mot oss, eller selv vet vi eksisterer for den saks skyld. Suksess i handel krever at vi vet hva markedene neste skritt er. Vi trenger å vite hva markedet skal gjøre før det gjør. Og vær rett om det. I Karate er alle trekkene veldig flytende. Det er en naturlig flyt og orden til alt. Jeg innså snart at markedene også flyttet flytende. Og likevel var alle systemene jeg kunne finne veldig statiske. Jeg bestemte meg veldig raskt for at handel med konvensjonelle måter med systemene som var tilgjengelige, ikke ville gi meg de resultatene jeg var ute etter. Jeg måtte oppfinne en meget overlegen måte å handle på. Jeg skjønte det er derfor de fleste handelsfolk mister. Det er ikke noe de gjør feil. Dens at hvert system der ute hadde en massiv feil. Virkeligheten er den eneste måten å forutsi hva markedet vil gjøre, er å analysere historiske data. Det er hvordan hvert system fungerer. Problemet, feilen, med hvert system jeg kunne finne er de. Ikke ser på nok informasjon og så ikke på det på nok forskjellige måter. Reagerte ikke og tilpasset seg endringene i markedet raskt nok, i sanntid. Ikke bruk flere indikatorer som hver så på forskjellige data, som kombinert ga deg best mulig inngang og utgang for enhver handel. Det virket bare for meg at med dagens teknologi må det være mulig å tjene en betydelig sum penger fra Forex. Kunstig intelligens oppfyller det mekaniske systemet. Bare så vi er klare, Forex Secret Protocol er på ingen måte en robot eller noe eksternt likt. Vi bruker svært avansert teknologi, men vi er fortsatt i kontroll som du snart vil se. Forex systemer som de fleste av dagens teknologi har blitt foreldet. Det er som å gjøre avansert matte på et abacus, du kunne, men hvorfor ville du. Når mye mer nøyaktige og avanserte metoder er tilgjengelige. Eksakte protokoller som kombinerer kunstig intelligens med mange års forskning om hvordan markedet beveger seg. Kulminerer i en måte å handle markedet så avansert, så overlegen, så krevende at det gjør alt som har kommet før, ser ut som en beregnet gjetning i beste fall. Du har sikkert hørt mange historier om store formuer som blir gjort for trading. Og likevel, som så mange, kan du ha prøvd handel bare for å ha mistet penger. Det er synd fordi det ikke trenger å være den måten. Du har sikkert hørt mye om pengehåndtering, og handelshåndtering, og handelens psykologi. Jeg kommer ikke til å si at de ikke er viktige. De er. Men det jeg vil si, og snart vil vise deg, at suksess i handel koker seg ned til en ting. . Systemet, eller som jeg kaller det, handler protokollene om handel. Det er systemet som finner oppsettene og forteller oss når du skal inn og ut av en handel for maksimal profitt. Hvis du bruker et dårligere system, vil du tape penger. Det er som å spille hockey med en ni jern. Du kan av og til bli heldig, men sjansen er mesteparten av tiden puckene kommer til å stoppe der. Heres problemene med de fleste Forex-systemer. De er statiske mens markedet er dynamisk. De viser i utgangspunktet hva markedet skal gjøre etter at det allerede har flyttet seg. Takket være tre svært avanserte indikatorer, som finnes i intet annet system i verden, kan vi se hvor markedet er på vei i sanntid før det beveger seg. Disse indikatorene er den virkelige kraften bak Forex Secret Protocol. Jeg vil forklare mer om dem om et minutt. Et annet problem med alle andre strategier er at de bare har én type oppføring. Men markedet endres raskt og for å holde seg i tråd med det, og sikre maksimal fortjeneste, vi trenger forskjellige oppføringstyper for ulike markedsforhold. Med Forex Secret Protocol har du 4 forskjellige lange og 4 forskjellige korte oppføringsscenarier. Det neste store problemet med de fleste systemer er at de generelt bare fungerer bra på bestemte tidsrammer. Når du prøver å bruke dem på andre, møtes du med feil og skuffelse. Forex Secret Protocol fungerer på en hvilken som helst tidsramme. Fra M1 til daglig. I hvilken som helst tidsramme vil det være like effektivt når du identifiserer perfekte oppsett og slår ut vinnende handler som har penger som strømmer inn i kontoen din som vann over Niagara Falls. Toshko Raychev Det kan brukes til kortvarig scalping eller swing og posisjon trading. Dette er viktig fordi alle har forskjellige tider de kan handle. Dette gjør det perfekt for den personen som har en heltidsjobb og bare handler deltid så vel som fulltidshandler. Med de fleste systemer må du vente på ditt stoppfall eller ta fortjeneste for å bli rammet. Eller du har bare en mulig utgang for din handel, og det er derfor i de fleste tilfeller du mister. Med de flere utgangene i Forex Secret Protocol, ser vi fortjeneste mest hver gang. Andre systemer har et fast stoppetap eller bruker litt merkelig bestemmelse som ikke gir mening. Forex Secret Protocol følger markedsdynamikken som plasserer vårt stoppfall på best mulig plass hver gang. Ingen av dette ville være mulig uten de tre proprietære, spesielt kodede indikatorene som er eksklusive til Forex Secret Protocol. Disse er de 3 mest avanserte og nøyaktige indikatorene som er utviklet. Det tok den beste programmøren jeg kunne finne et år å utvikle disse og to andre år med testing og tweaking for å gjøre dem så svært nøyaktige som de er. Å være i øyeblikket er hvor pengene blir gjort eller tapt. Markedet er i stadig endring Det er hastigheten som Forex Secret Protected reagerer på markedet som gjør den så kraftig. Den analyserer langt mer data enn noe annet system noensinne har og gjør det bokstavelig talt ved lysets hastighet. Det som virkelig koker ned til, er 99 av systemene der ute der det egentlig ikke er opprettet for å få deg penger handel. De ble opprettet for å bli markedsført og solgt. Jeg har testet flere systemer enn bare om noen du noen gang vil møte. Jeg har brukt år på å gjøre det. Mens noen ville ha bestemte komponenter til dem som var gode, fant jeg aldri en som virkelig hadde muligheten til å forutsi nøyaktig hvilken pris som skulle gjøres på en konsistent basis. De fleste, og jeg mener 99 av dem, var ren crap. Det var derfor jeg visste om jeg skulle få et system som gjorde meg penger, og mye av det, hver og hver måned ville jeg måtte lage det selv. Det tok meg mange år med testing, av prøving og feiling. Det som resulterte i, er et system som er så overlegen som alt annet som eksisterer. Jeg er nå i stand til å handle med absolutt tillit om at jeg skal tjene penger. Og alle som har prøvd det, får de samme fantastiske resultatene. Se på denne handelen. Det ble gjort innen dager etter at noen lærte systemet: Profitt: 796 Wesley Govender Det virker ikke bare for meg. Du vil se noen ganske imponerende handler gjort av andre på denne siden også. Og de hadde nettopp lært systemet. Det er ingen grunn til at du ikke kunne gjøre det samme bare dager fra nå. Du kan slutte å lete etter den hellige gral av handel fordi dette er like nært som det kommer. Jeg prøvde mange systemer før jeg utviklet Forex Secret Protocol. Jeg tjente penger med noen av dem. Men ingenting kommer enda nær dette. Dens evne til å vinne handel etter handel er så nær en sikker ting som du noen gang vil finne i Forex. Jeg sier ikke at du vil vinne hver handel som mister handel, er en del av handel. Det er en forretningsomkostning. Men med min Forex Secret Protocol er det en liten kostnad jeg kan mer enn leve med. På slutten av måneden er det hvor mye kontoen min har vokst som betyr noe. Med dette systemet vokser kontoen min nok. Du lurer kanskje på hvorfor jeg har bestemt meg for å selge dette hvis det er så kraftig og nøye bevoktet hemmelighet. Det er et rettferdig spørsmål som fortjener et ærlig svar. Nei, jeg er ikke ute for å redde verden med oppdagelsen min. Det er så enkelt som dette. Jeg har skapt en enestående metode for handel som faktisk fungerer. Det kan få deg penger så snart du begynner å handle det. Ved å lage et svært begrenset antall tilgjengelig i dag, vil jeg tjene penger som jeg legger direkte inn på kontoen min, slik at jeg raskt kan begynne å fordoble det hver måned med dette nøyaktige systemet. Jeg begrenser imidlertid antallet som vil være tilgjengelig til bare 750. Det skyldes at DVDene, handelshåndboken og andre komponenter i systemet jeg vil haste skipet til deg, er bare en del av systemet. Bare halvparten virkelig. Den andre delen er hva som skjer i medlemmene, som du får ubegrenset tilgang til. Der har du tilgang til ukentlige live-webinarer og ekstra treningsmateriell. Det er også hvor jeg vil jobbe personlig med deg for å lære deg systemet. Det er et sted hvor du kan stille spørsmål du har og få raske, nøyaktige svar. Men som du sannsynligvis kan gjette, kan jeg ikke gjøre det for tusenvis av mennesker. Det ville bare ikke være mulig. Og på grunn av det faktum at titusenvis har fulgt meg på Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus og alle de andre sosiale medier. Og at hundretusener av mennesker er nå på varslingslisten for dette. Med bare 750 tilgjengelig, har jeg en følelse av at den vil selge ut raskt. Det er en annen grunn jeg bestemte meg for å dele dette skjønt. Igjen går det tilbake til Karate. Virkelig levende, lever for andre Bruce Lee Etter det første nasjonale karate-mesterskapet fikk jeg mye hjelp fra noen seriøst gode karate-mestere. Jeg måtte betale for den kunnskapen, men det jeg lærte var uvurderlig. Uten den hjelpen tror jeg ikke at jeg kunne ha vunnet neste år. Jeg tror ærlig hva disse Senseis delte med meg, forandret livet mitt. Jeg tror når noen har livsendrende kunnskap, er de forpliktet til å dele den. Dette systemet, eller skal jeg si nøyaktig protokoll, for handel med Forex-markedet virker så mye bedre enn noe jeg noensinne har sett, for ikke å dele det med en liten gruppe som er fast bestemt på å vinne ved handel, ville bare være feil. Men som jeg har sagt, må jeg holde gruppen liten. Igjen, akkurat som i Karate, kan en mester bare lære så mange studenter. Og basert på den forskning jeg har lest, er nummeret som kan administreres, bare 750 og ikke en mer. Jeg vil ikke ha deg, eller noen andre som stoler på meg, for bare å få et system. Uansett hvor godt systemet er. Jeg vil gi alle deler av kunnskapen jeg har om Forex på hver og en av dere. Det er ikke bare det jeg har lært å gjøre, det er også det jeg har lært å ikke gjøre. Feil suger. De skje, men de suger. De lærer oss skjønt. Den eneste virkelige kriminaliteten gjør den samme feilen igjen og igjen eller ikke unngår det ved å lære av andre som allerede har gjort det. Det er derfor i medlemsområdene jeg ikke bare skal hjelpe deg med å mestre denne revolusjonerende og banebrytende handelsmetoden. Jeg skal også lære deg alt jeg vet. Alt som gjør at jeg kan tjene penger over hånden mens de fleste mister. Du vil bli overrasket over å lære mye av denne kunnskapen kommer fra feil jeg har gjort. Feil i handel du trenger aldri gjøre. Jeg vil ikke bare lære deg hvordan du handler lønnsomt, jeg vil lære deg hvordan du ikke mister. Karate handler ikke om å vinne. Dens om ikke å miste Master Shigetoshi Senaha Det er ikke noe som aldri mister en handel. Men når vinnerne dine er langt høyere enn dine tapere, vokser kontoen din med sprang og grenser. Det er det jeg skal lære deg å gjøre. Jeg gjør det måned i, måned ut, og kontoen min fortsetter å vokse og vokse. Snart vil din også. Dette er et viktig poeng. De fleste nærmer seg handel med Forex helt feil. Det er vanskelig ikke for skjønt. Dens emosjonelle når du handler. Du vil gjøre en drap på hver handel. Og når du spiker en massivt lønnsom handel, føles det fantastisk. Når du mister penger, gjør det vondt. Var mennesket det alltid kommer til å være den måten. Å miste er en del av handel. Men ikke la det få deg villig til å akseptere mer å miste handler, ikke engang en, enn du må. Jeg har hørt mange handelsmenn si at hvis du bare kan vokse kontoen din med 10 per måned, vil du til slutt bygge den opp nok til å gjøre noen anstendige penger. Heres hvordan jeg ser den. Hvis dette var krigføring. Jeg ønsker ikke å fly rundt i en biplan Jeg vil ha en supersonisk, lunken, dårlig røvstrålefighter bevæpnet til hiltet. Jeg antar at jeg alltid har vært mer som gribben i treet som sier at tålmodighet kan rase, jeg skal drepe noe. Det var derfor jeg skapte en radikal ny måte å handle som suger penger ut av markedet som en 800 pund vampyr som nettopp våknet fra en 100 årig nap. Profit 4100 Joshua Schultz Du kan fortsatt handle i snegler tempo hvis du vil, men jeg er på utkikk etter en veldig liten og eliten gruppe handelsmenn som ønsker å bli skitten rik og gjøre det før de er for gamle til å nyte det. Men du trenger å hoppe på denne pengene trene fort fordi seter blir tatt når du leser dette. Tenk på hvor bra det ville føles å gå betale penger for en helt ny bil. Kontant du har gjort fra bare en måneders handel. Hvordan det føles å gjøre mer om to måneder enn de fleste gjør i et år. Jeg vet hva du kanskje tenker, at jeg har hørt alt før. At alle hevder deres er det beste systemet til å komme ned i gutten. Ikke bare er du i ferd med å se bevis som vil ødelegge deg, men i et øyeblikk forteller jeg deg hvorfor jeg er så trygg og sikker på at dette systemet kan gjøre deg rik, så vil jeg ta all risiko. Du vil ikke risikere en krone hvor investeringen i systemet mitt er bekymret. Jeg vet at når du lærer det, og begynner å lage fjell av kontanter, vil den dårligste assen svart belte på jorden ikke rive den fra dine hender. Seriøst er det så bra. Dette fungerer bedre enn alt du noensinne har forestilt deg. Du kommer ikke til å lære en mengde teori og beste praksis. Du kommer til å lære et eksakt system som du kan bruke med en gang, ikke måneder fra nå, for å gjøre massevis av penger som handler Forex rett ut av porten. Jeg kunne tilbringe de neste fem årene lære deg alt jeg har lært om handel. Men du har ikke fem år å bruke og heller ikke. Ville du heller ikke lære om en dag eller to hva det har tatt meg år å lære. En lett å følge, rask å lære og dødelig nøyaktig måte å lønnsomt handle hver eneste måned på. . Det er ingen grunn på jorden, dette kan ikke fungere for deg. Akkurat som det fungerer for alle som har brukt det, med mindre du ikke får det før det selges. Hvor mange handler som dette i måneden trenger du å leve det gode livet Profitt: 21 000 Joshua Schultz Jeg skal vise deg systemet som gjorde det og alle de andre du ser på denne siden. Husk at bare 750 mennesker vil lære Lær denne hemmelige protokollen for Monster Sized Gains. Jeg var faktisk redd for å fortsette å handle Forex markedet og prøver enda et nytt system på ett tidspunkt. Kanskje du føler deg på samme måte noen ganger. Etter at jeg mistet så mye penger, ville en del av meg gi opp og være ærlig med deg. Hvis det ikke hadde vært for den faste beslutningen jeg fikk fra Karate, kan jeg ha. For meg måtte jeg bestemme hvorvidt jeg virkelig kunne tjene penger på handel og om jeg kunne lage et system som egentlig ville fungere. Konsekvent. For deg kan det være om dette systemet egentlig vil fungere. Vil det være den som til slutt gjør deg lønnsom hver måned Vil det være verdt ikke bare kostnadene ved systemet, men også tiden du vil investere i å lære det Og hva om du til slutt handler en live penger konto med det og mister noe handler Hva vil din ektefelle eller andre familiemedlemmer si Hva vil vennene dine si jeg er akkurat som deg og forstår disse følelsene helt. Jeg har vært der og i et øyeblikk Ill forteller deg hvorfor du ikke trenger å være bekymret for dette, men først la meg si det. Jeg er bare en handelsmann. Det er hvordan jeg lever. Jeg kan gjøre mye mer handel enn jeg noensinne vil gjøre fra å selge 750 Forex-systemer og lære denne lille gruppen å handle profittabelt. Heres hva jeg har funnet å være sannheten og noe du bør vurdere. Theres en annen side til mynten. Og på den siden at de gode greiene skjer. Det er reaksjonen til familien din når du endelig gjør det. Når du lager god handel med penger for bare noen få timer om dagen. Når du kan lage på en dag hva andre gjør i en uke. Når du kan jobbe de to første ukene i måneden og ha gjort en svært respektfull månedlig inntekt, så ta de neste to ukene av. Det er reaksjonen fra vennene dine når de ser at du kjører nye biler og tar ferier og likevel, aldri forlate huset for å gå på jobb. Når de ser deg bruke mer tid på å gjøre de tingene du liker enn de kan til og med drømme om. Det er livsstilen til en vellykket full tid Forex trader. Jeg kjenner personlig mange forexhandlere i full tid, som nyter dette veldig rike og oppfylle livet, og har ikke penger bekymring i verden. Det er ikke noe reservert for andre. Du kan gjøre det like enkelt og jeg er her for å vise deg hvordan. For å hjelpe deg med å oppnå dine drømmer hvert skritt av veien. Jeg vet at hvis du lærer Forex Secret Protocol, og du lar meg veilede deg, kan det gode livet til en fulltidshandler lett være din. Jeg er så trygg at jeg skal fjerne all risiko for deg. Hvis du etter å ha sett dette en av et snill system, og jobber tett med meg, bestemmer du ikke alt jeg sier det er, eller at du bare ikke tror det vil fungere for deg, du vil ikke skylle noe. Jeg gir deg 60 dager å bestemme. Lyd rettferdig feil er ikke et alternativ. Dette er viktig: Før jeg selv vurderte å dele min nye handel med Forex, sørget jeg for at det kunne fungere for andre, så vel som det virker for meg. En gang jeg lærte det til dem, og de hadde de samme forbløffende resultatene som jeg hadde, da bestemte jeg meg for å dele det med deg. Jeg vil ikke la noen svikte på dette som er forpliktet til å lykkes, og hvem vil lære systemet og følge systemets regler. Det er ikke vanskelig å lære. De fleste av menneskene jeg lærte det å lære det om en dag eller to. Hvis du vil se på DVDene, les bruksanvisningen og delta på ukentlige webinarer i det private medlemmene området, lærer du å handle dette systemet like godt som jeg gjør. Eventuelle spørsmål du har underveis, vil bli besvart raskt og nøyaktig av meg og mitt team av profesjonelle handelsfolk. Lets take a look at what you will get with the complete Forex Secret Protocol training. I feel this is the only way anyone should be trading if they want to see a healthy profit each and every month. Heres what will be shipped to your front door DVD 1 If you are new to Forex or if you feel you could use a refresher course on the basics, this first DVD is for you. A complete beginners course all on its own, this DVD is packed with everything you need to become a well-educated trader. I do have some important information on this first DVD explaining how to get the most from the program, so I would suggest everyone watch this DVD. You are about to learn an easy to follow complete protocol that could create any amount of income you desire. Think about that for a minute. There is no ceiling on this. No salary caps here. There are traders who were right where you once are now, that are now making hundreds of thousand dollars a month. I remember when I first started. All these strange new terms. I had no idea what the foreign exchange market even was. Thats why DVD 1 is an easy to understand Forex 101 course all on its own. I had my good friend Wesley Govender help out with this. He is the tournament director for the Sure Fire Trading Challenge and there is no one better qualified to teach you the basics. It really is the best beginner course on the market and could be sold all on its own. I wanted to include it instead so that anyone new to trading or anyone just wanting a refresher course could have a simple way of learning everything you need to know about Forex. You will soon know what all of the terms below mean and what role each plays in trading. You will also discover different ways to get in and out of the market and some simple and effective ways of analyzing price behavior that can help you make sound decisions when you trade. Heres whats covered in DVD 1: Start Here: Welcome 1. Introduction To Forex - Here you get an overview of just what the Forex market is and how it works. So many courses assume you know things that unless you have traded, you likely dont. You will after this DVD. 2. Currency Pairs - Youll learn all the currency pairs you need to know to make money in the market. 3. PIP - Here you learn just what a PIP is and how a currency price is broken down into its smallest denominations. You may not understand what a PIP is right now, but soon you will not only know what a PIP is but how to grab plenty of them, which is exactly what you want. 4. Forex Terms - Here you learn some basic terms as they apply to trading and how you are trading. You will learn about the different ways to trade the Forex market and the advantages of some types of trading over others as it applies to doing what you are buying this to do - make cash at record speed. This video is short and simple but important to understand. 5. Role Of A Broker - Here youll learn what is a broker is, why you need one, and the different types of brokers that are available to you. It is important that you fully understand the role of your broker, what you should expect from your broker and how to choose the right one. This will guide you through every step of the process. 6. Spread - The spread is how the brokers make their money. Youll learn the three different types of spreads and what each can mean to your profits. 7. Lot Size, Margin amp Leverage - This is the real beauty of Forex, the use of leverage. That means for example that you can control and trade 1000 with as little as 20 of your own money. I know that sounds too good to be true but you will learn how all this works in this video. 8. Swap - How you can actually get paid just for holding a position. Or get money deducted for holding a position. Its therefore a good idea to understand how this works and after this video, you will. 9. Kinds Of Orders - We will look at the different kinds of entry orders, the different kinds of exit orders and at the end so you how they all work in actual trades. There are several ways to get in and out of the market and you will learn how to do both in a way that puts cash in your pocket. 10. Charts - First we will look at the three different kinds of charts the MetaTrader4 platform offers then will look at the anatomy of a Japanese candlestick breaking it down to its different components. You will learn an easy, efficient and fast way to know what the market is likely to do. 11. Timeframes - Here you will learn all about the different time frames and more importantly how you can know the overall market direction by using more than one time frame. Something other systems just dont do. 12. Trading Sessions - One of the great things about Forex is that the markets are open 24 hours a day, so if you have a full time job you can still earn a nice extra income in as little as a few minutes per day. Certain hours do work best however and you will learn all about the major trading sessions, and discover the one where all the real money is made. 13. Peaks, Valleys amp Trends You will learn how the market moves and how that zig zag movement can be translated into a trend. The trend is the direction of the market that will present us with the best trading opportunities and with my system, the biggest profits. 14. Support amp Resistance - You will learn what support and resistance is, when support becomes resistance and vice versa. Well look at the break of support and resistance and summarize it in a way where it all makes sense. Support and resistance are often obeyed by the market more than once and thats what makes it so powerful. 15. Chart Patterns - Understanding these is crucial to trading profitably. Here you will learn the basics that later, when you are using this system, will have you reading the direction of the market in a way that will make others think you are a psychic. 16. Candlestick Formations - Understanding these can help you get out of a trade before it reverses against you or help you from getting into what could potentially be a bad trade. You will learn all of them that are used by most all traders and because of that, carry the most weight in the market. As you can see, this system will work for you even if you did not know what Forex was before today. The best part is that I have made it so simple to understand and easy to learn that you will feel like an old pro in just a day or so. DVD 2 This DVD introduces you to MT4, the platform you will be using to trade the system. It will walk you, step by step, through everything you need to know about the various features, including how to set up and configure charts, indicators and templates, how to open a new MT4 account and place orders, and how to create profiles. The MetaTrader4 (MT4) platform is one of the most commonly used types of trading software because of speed and ease of use. I use it throughout the course. For those unfamiliar with MT4 or who just need a refresher, this DVD will equip you with all the knowledge and skills that you will need to get you up and running in no time. Just pop this DVD into your computer to learn how to setup a practice account, use the different tools and how to place orders. You will also learn how to use the windows in your platform, make adjustments and navigate quickly as you trade. 1. Getting Started - How to download and install the MetaTrader4 platform. How to delete all the default stuff you wont be using and set up your charts the right way. 2. Chart Properties amp Tools - Heres where we dive deep into charts and make you an expert on setting yours up. By the end of this video it will all seem like childs play. 3. Indicators - The three that you will get with this system are the most highly advanced, easy to use, indicators ever created. Here you will learn everything you will ever need to know about indicators, adding, modifying, removing, importing, adding one over another, using the MetaEditor, you name it. 4. Templates - Once you have made the changes to a chart that you like, youve got the indicators, the background, the candle colors and so on, you can save that as a template and add that to new charts. Theres no need to go through the whole process each time you create a new chart. As with all the tech stuff I make setting this up easy. 5. Chart Lines - Here I show you how to set up the lines on your chart. Once again, its done in a very easy to understand step by step manner. 6. Placing Orders - There are seven main things every trader must know about placing orders. I go into detail, once again step by step, so that you know exactly how to do this the correct way. 7. MT4 Windows - Next we look at the various MT4 Windows. The Market Watch, The Data Window, The Navigator Window, The Terminal Window and the Toolbar. I show you how each works and explain their function. 8. Chart Adjustments - Making adjustments to your chart will be a snap after you watch this short video. 9. Opening A New Account - Just what it says, I walk you through how to open a new account as well as how to get a new data feed in MT4. 10. Adding Text amp Labels - This sounds pretty self-explanatory however you will learn some things here many experienced traders dont know. 11. Profiles - A profile is simply a series of charts. You have a series you want to save, you can easily save them as a profile. This can be very useful, however it is critical that you know how to do it right. Doing it wrong can spell disaster. 12. Fast Navigation - Everything about the Forex Secret Protocol is about quickly and efficiently trading profitably. This will show you how changing the currency pair, changing the time frame, or going to a very specific date can be done with the push of a button. Learn how to use navigator favorites to save even more time. DVD 3 In this DVD, you will learn all about components of the Forex Secret Protocol system that make it so powerful. As you watch this DVD you will quickly understand why this is the most profitable system anyone has ever created. Youll learn all about the three indicators that make the Forex Secret Protocol the money magnet it is. The TrendSentry, Trendanator and TrendEnforcer. These are unlike any indicators you have ever seen. They predict market movement with a degree of accuracy no other indicator can. I show you exactly how to set them up so that they become your crystal ball into what the market is going to do. At this point you are going to begin to realize just how big of an advantage you now have over other traders. On this DVD I will show you how to add these one of a kind indicators to your live charts and save the template. This makes it fast and easy to load them on whichever pairs you want to trade. Everything about the Forex Secret Protocol is explained in easy to understand terms. I show you every step so that you fully understand how every component of the system works. I will explain and demonstrate the four exact protocols for buy and sell trades. Unfortunately I cant say a lot about them here without revealing secrets that only the 750 people who manage to get a copy today will ever know. These are exact protocols that when followed could lead to you becoming a highly profitable trader who calls your own shots in life. Its important you understand not only what these rules or protocols are but how and why they work so well. They are your key to massive profitability. You will learn how by using different time frames to look at every setup you are able to enter a trade with much more confidence than you ever have before. You will see how using these three specially coded indicators gives you a huge advantage over all other systems. You will now begin to understand why its often hard to lose a trade if you just learn and follow the exact protocols of this new and highly profitable way of trading. Well cover how to make maximum profit on each of these trades: Conservative long, conservative short, medium aggressive long, medium aggressive short, aggressive long, aggressive short, ultra-aggressive long and ultra-aggressive short. By the time you finish this DVD, you will have all the essential knowledge you need to start trading the system with accuracy and confidence. This is the essence of the system. I dont believe in black-box systems where you never really understand how the system works. The point of this video is to walk you through every step of the process. By the time you finish this video you will know exactly how the Forex Secret Protocol works. This is basically a blueprint for building massive wealth. Because you will understand how the system works you will absolutely be able to trade with confidence. I love to see traders become successful after years of losing when they first start using the Forex Secret Protocol. DVD 4 Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. Applying the protocols that make you money. Now that you have learned the rules or protocols of the system I will show you exactly how to apply them to each different type of trade. Its these exact protocols that allow me to be so highly profitable and once you get your head wrapped around them they could be your ticket to great wealth. This is where you will start to get excited as these secrets are revealed before your eyes. You will begin to see the light and know that this system is just unstoppable. Remember, I will be teaching you every aspect of the exact system that made every profitable trade you see on this page. The same one that beat thousands of other systems in the biggest independent trading competition in the world. As you watch me apply each of these secret protocols to actual trades you will know that your financial future is about to become a whole lot brighter. I find that I learn faster and retain knowledge better when I actually see things done with my own eyes. Thats why this DVD contains a series of example trades, illustrating each one of the buy and sell rules. Here you can see for yourself, in practical terms, how each of these money making protocols are applied. You can use these examples as guidelines and reference points while learning how to apply the protocols of the system to different types of trades in ways that are money in the bank. Youll see how applying these unique protocols and using the most advanced indicators ever conceived puts this miles ahead of any other system when it comes to making consistent and large profits. I put this together in a way that is perfect for every level of trader. Beginners can easily understand each protocol as they watch the conservative trades. Advanced traders are going to see things in the ultra-aggressive trades that will have you anxious to start nailing massively profitable trades. Youll wonder why anyone would trade any other way. Its important though, regardless of how experienced you are, that you start with the conservative trades. That way you will fully understand every possible way each protocol can be applied to different types of trades. We cover every aspect of each of these in easy to understand terms: Conservative long, conservative short, medium aggressive long, medium aggressive short, aggressive long, aggressive short, ultra-aggressive long and ultra-aggressive short are all thoroughly explained as I show you each of the trades. By covering each in detail you will discover where your comfort level is and trade at that level. Though this is the most advanced system on earth, you will be amazed how easy to learn these four protocols are. How when you begin applying them to every trade you make using the the TrendSentry, Trendanator and TrendEnforcer you immediately and greatly improve your odds of consistently having winning trades. Remember, I stand by my system. This is not one of those things you buy and you cant get on touch with the owner. I will be there with you in the members area every day. I will be working with you and the rest of the small apprentice super star traders until I am 100 sure you can stand on your own two feet. I dont run from things - its important to me that you realize that you are not alone. I will be there every step of the way. Any questions you have will quickly be answered in the members area, by email, by Skype or by using the trader on call feature. DVD 5 In this DVD you can watch me making live trades with the Forex secret Protocol. As you progress through these examples, you will see that anyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, can use this system to make more winning trades than you ever imagined possible. Nothing beats seeing someone trade, taking trades as they happen. It will help you gain confidence that it can be done, and it also brings together everything you have learned up to this point. One thing I would like to bring to your attention here. You wont see many people do what I do in this video. Not many people can trade live in front of you. I am in this with you. I will be working shoulder to shoulder with you. That my friend you wont see anywhere else but the Forex Secret Protocol. 1. Buy Trade One 2. Buy Trade Two 3. Buy Trade Three 4. Buy Trade Four 5. Buy Trade Five 6. Buy Trade Six 7. Buy Trade Seven 8. Buy Trade Eight 9. Buy Trade Nine 10. Buy Trade Ten. 1. Sell Trade One 2. Sell Trade Two 3. Sell Trade Three 4. Sell Trade Four 5. Sell Trade Five 6. Sell Trade Six 7. Sell Trade Seven 8. Sell Trade Eight 9. Sell Trade Nine 10. Sell Trade Ten. DVD 6 This DVD presents three specially prepared webinars. In Webinar 1, I take you through the process of setting up the indicators and charts. Then I teach you the conservative buy and sell rules of the system, with examples of how to trade them. This webinar is a must watch - it covers all the basics and shows how you can learn by trading the more conservative rules of the system. Webinar 2 looks at the more aggressive rules of the system and presents examples of how these rules are traded. This is where you will see more advanced trading setups and learn to become more confident in using the system. Webinar 3 brings everything together. I do a recap of all four types of buy and sell trades and gives further trade examples for each one, providing an overview of just how comprehensive and powerful the system is. Also - I will be presenting regular webinars for months to come inside the members area. These webinar are very private and top secret. You will be able to see my screen as I walk you through everything you need to know. You can also talk, chat with me and work with me until you master Forex Secret Protocol. Using never before seen indicators and easy to follow rules, I will show you how to consistently make profitable trades. Best of all, Ill be there to help you step by step through the learning process. This manual is a full color in depth explanation of every detail of the system. I will explain the indicators specially invented for this system and how each one is used. You will learn about the different types of trades, from conservative to aggressive. It is fully illustrated so you can see examples of each and the best times and time frames to use them. Finally, the manual discusses some important trading tips and the importance of psychology in your trading. In this handy reference material I go into minute details of the finer points of this powerful system. This is something you can put in your trading library and refer to for years. Forex Secret Protocol is truly a one-of-a-kind system, the culmination of thousands of hours of development and testing, and backed up with an unparalleled audited track record. Six Simple Cheat Sheets That Will Keep You In The Money - They Are Like Priceless Cash Maps Only A Few People Will Ever See These six cheat sheets are included in your package and are made especially so you can keep them at hand when you trade. You can use them to make sure you are following each and every step quickly and easily that lead to profitable trade after profitable trade. You will know at a glance whether or not this is a trade that you should take. They are an easy to follow visual that you can use to very quickly know what you should do with every setup. Because, everything about the Forex Secret Protocol is designed to help you make money fast so you can go enjoy life knowing you have plenty of income to do so. Add To Cart The 3 Most Powerful And Profitable Indicators Likely Ever Made. These are unlike anything you have ever seen. Unfortunately there is only so much I can tell you about how these work publicly. If I were to explain them and show how they work here, there would very quickly be ineffective knockoffs all over the internet. They Pretty Much Predict The Future And Do It Very Accurately. They took years of research and development and only Forex Secret Protocol members will ever see them. They have been custom designed to work within the exact protocols of the system and will never be made available anywhere else. Its their ability to instantly and simultaneously look at an amount of information no other system does that makes them so powerful. They give you confirmation of good setups and the ability to make profitable trades not possible with any other system. You Will See Setups And Already Be Into Profitable Trades Before Other Traders Have A Clue About What Is Happening. Tenk på det på denne måten. How fast was you first computer compared to the one you have now These are the future of indicators. Five years from now this is how everyone will trade. In the mean time you could make a fortune by being ahead of the curve with the only system that uses them. I took trading technology way beyond where anyone ever has with these. Thats why this system is making me obscene money with so little effort. It could do the same for you starting right now. But what you have seen so far is only a small part of what you will get when you join me and this small select group of about to be wealthy traders who calltheir own shots in life. In Karate, you could practice everything possible at home. You could study until it hurt. But when you step into the dojo with your Sensei and other students, thats when you learn how to become a true master. We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. - Unknown The members area is called Protocol HQ and that is where the real learning begins. Its in here that you will quickly become a Forex black belt. Simply hit the start here tab and you will quickly learn your way around the most comprehensive and user friendly members area you have ever seen. This is where weekly live webinars are carefully orchestrated to walk you through not just learning the system, but mastering it. You can ask questions during these and get straight forward and easy to understand answers. You will find a schedule of each live weekly webinar in here and each is recorded so that if you miss one you can easily access it in the members area. There is a dedicated area for each of the DVDs. In these sections we group the most common questions relating to that DVD so it make it easy to reference. In the private Protocol HQ you will find many example trades that you can watch at any time. This is really helpful because the more trades you watch, the better you will understand the system and how to use it to make more money than you ever thought possible. You can also post your charts for discussion if you wish and see other members trades as they post them. This can sometimes answer questions you hadnt even thought to ask yet and when you see others, who are also doing well, it is really encouraging. I do hope you will stay very involved in the members area. Even after you have learned the system and are trading at a highly profitable level. The camaraderie in there and the things we will continue to learn from each other is what will make this small group the best and richest traders on earth. This is also where you will get access to the massive bonuses I am including today. Ill tell you all about them in just a minute, they are the biggest money making bonuses I have ever seen included with any Forex related product. They alone could make you a fortune as you will soon see. Some people are shy about asking questions and I understand that. So there is an area where you can quickly access frequently asked questions. Chances are someone else had the same question as you do. But remember. I am going to give you the best support you have ever seen on any product. That is my promise to you. If you are shy about asking a question in the forum, get a hold of me one on one. I will be accessible and always ready, willing and able to help you. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced trader, every question you have will be treated with respect. You will get an immediate, accurate and friendly answer. You can see how others are doing, read the questions that they are asking, and interact with each other if you choose. You will have access to me personally. Anything you dont understand, any problem you are having, any concerns you may have will all be given my full attention. Even when I am asleep you can use the trader on call button and instantly be connected to one of my carefully selected and highly trained professional traders. They will be there to answer any question you have 24 hours a day. I am dedicated to helping you get Bill Gates rich if thats your goal. Or if you just want to trade part time for some extra cash that I can teach you how to do that. We all have different trading goals and I will help you achieve yours. I have discovered a better way to do something I love doing and make a lot of money doing. I want to teach you how to do the same. Because it makes me feel good and because I can. I know how to make money trading Forex. That, and because its what you are paying me to do. You are paying me to do a job, and I wont let you down. If I do, you have 60 days to fire me and not pay me a penny. Failure is just not an option. I want you to know how good it feels to make a very comfortable living working just a few hours or less a day. If I can do that, so can you. If you will learn the system, follow the rules of it, and stay involved in the members area, there is no reason on earth you shouldnt be making a very good living trading Forex soon. It will be my pleasure to show you the way. I really doubt that I will ever offer this again. See, I dont need the money. Trading makes me plenty. So jump on this very limited and exclusive offer today. It may not exist tomorrow. The Adaptive Trend Locator Many of the better systems of the past couple years have come with a trade assistant. I have always liked this idea. Its a bridge between total automation while still letting the trader keep the final decision. Making one that worked with the advanced technology behind the Forex Secret Protocol was no easy task. It took the best programmer in Forex months to build and test, but eventually we managed to develop the Adaptive Trend Locator. It has the ability to spot good setups using more information than any trade assistant ever made. As its name implies, it actually adapts to changes in the market and watches the trend develop until it is certain that there is a trade you may want to take. It will then alert you to the highest probability trade. This means that you dont need to be sitting in front of your computer starring at your charts all the time. You can be trading the system while you are watching a movie or reading a book. You wont miss a single profitable trade even if you are playing a video game or playing with the kids. It is not a robot, they never work. It will not trade for you, but will instead watch for setups that following all of the rules of the Forex Secret Protocol. The setups that have the highest degree of probability for profit. When it spots a setup it will alert you. You make the call on whether to take the trade though. The Forex Secret Protocol, even though it uses very advanced technology, is one of the easiest systems to trade you will ever see. This makes it even easier. With the Adaptive Trend Locator you never need to miss a profitable trade. As you can see, this is a system like no other. It is a complete protocol for trading that when followed, makes money faster than a Vegas casino. This Will Be The Only Chance You Will Ever Have To Learn My Fool Proof System For Trading I was told that I was a fool for offering something this profitable for so little. But I remember when I was starting out. If I could have gotten my hands on a system like this, training like this, I could have taken years off my learning curve and had a giant nest egg sitting in my account much sooner. I feel obligated to remind you to look at that countdown clock, because if it hits zero before you hit the order button, it will be too late. This may not be for you though. Something I have realized is that trading Forex is not for everyone. I have friends who just have to get up and go to a job every day. Thats just how they are wired. If they didnt have a boss telling them exactly what to do, and when to be there, they just would lie on the couch and watch TV all day. I believe thats why they will always be working for an hourly wage that doesnt pay the bills. If you think for a minute that you can buy this, watch the DVDs once and put it on you bookcase, save your time and money. That would take away from the people who are serious. Serious about making tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars a month with the only real way to do that I am aware of. Make money on the Internet stuff wont do it. The stock market wont do it and your 401k sure as hell wont do it. This May Be The Only Shot You Will Ever Have At Creating Real Wealth From A Real Market Using What Many Consider To Be The Best Tool For Doing So Ever Developed. Have a look at these live trades, these are what you could be doing every time you sit down to trade. Wouldnt you like to see those dollars going into your account Then try this with no risk. Let me show you how real traders trade and how we make boat loads of money. Open a demo account and see how you do. But do this or it wont mean squat. Treat that demo account like it was your hard earned money. The psychology is different. When its your hard earned money on the line, the game changes. But the fact remains, demo or live, a system works or it doesnt. This one does. Point is that you can test drive this without risking a penny. So why wouldnt you It could make you wealthyarent you dying to find out if it can Youre going to the store to buy a new pair of jeans. You take them into the dressing room, put them on and see if they fit. How hard is that Thats all I am saying you should do here. See how it fits. 100 No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee My Guarantee Is Simple, Dont Like It, For Any Reason, Dont Pay For It. I am so confident that this system can and will work for you and will be so easy to learn, that I will send it to you to examine for 60 days risk free. You have a full 60 days to learn it and put it to the test. If you are not 100 absolutely certain that this is going to change your life, that it is going to be the fastest way of achieving your financial dreams, just return it within 60 days and owe nothing. There Is No Fine Print. The guarantee is exactly as you see it. Return it within 60 days for any reason at all. No questions asked, no getting a hard time from a support person with a bad attitude, no conditions that must be met or other fine print. Thats one of the reasons I insisted on a couple of things. Going with a company that has had an impeccable record of customer satisfaction since 1998. Old Tree Publishing. And that they use ClickBank which has a no hassle 60 day money back guarantee policy. This insures you of a seamless and secure transaction no matter what you decide. No Other System Offers This Type Of NO Questions Asked Money Guarantee Your money will be cheerfully refunded, you will be thanked for giving it a try and you can even keep the bonuses you have received up to that point as my gift to you. Since I am taking all the risk here, there is no reason for you not to give this a try. I know it works, I use it every day and it makes me a lot of money. I am committed to doing everything within my power to make sure you become successful. I want you making six figures trading as fast as possible. It is my hope that each and every person who has the desire, drive and ambition to become wealthy trading Forex. does. I will be here to help you get there. We can get started as soon as you hit the add to cart button. Add To Cart The Only Real Risk Is That You Dont Get It Before It Sells Out And Miss Out On Your Chance To Trade With A Proven System That Could Make You A Fortune. Add To Cart Heres another reason this will sell out fast. With this many people following me on Facebook and other social media sites there is a lot of interest in this new, highly effective and profitable way of trading. Thousands of traders have been notified about this offer. With Just 750 Copies Available, They Will Go Fast. Consider this. You have seen many live trades done by both me and other traders. There really is no question that this is likely the most profitable method for trading Forex ever created. Maybe you are just not sure that it will work for you as well as it works for myself and others. If you think a thing is impossible, youll only make it impossible. - Bruce Lee, Tao of JeetKune Do I can assure you that this system will work for just about anyone. Thats because I have left nothing out nor held anything back. Every single aspect of the exact system that gets the amazing results you have seen here today is explained in great detail. Its time for you to learn and start using a system for trading Forex that makes money. One that has been proven time and time again to pull in winning trades at a rate no other system can. As soon as you learn this, which some do in just an afternoon, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful, profitable and confident trader. Imagine the feeling of permanently putting money worries behind you. Of never getting in the car to drive to work again. To stop going to a job to earn a living and instead just sit down at your computer and make yourself money anytime you want. From anywhere you want. Det kan skje. You can make the decision to make it happen right now. You will have all the knowledge and tools you need. You just need to take action and learn the system. Anytime you do have a question or if you are having a problem, I will be here to help you. You will have access to me and to my team 247. Now I cant be available 24 hours a day but I still wanted to insure that anytime you have a question, you get an answer. No matter the time of day. Thats why I have hired and trained a small team of professional traders to help you when I am sleeping or not available. They are expert traders who know the system inside and out. Inside the members area you just hit the trader on call button and you will instantly be connected to someone who can assist you. There are also several other ways you can get a hold of me: Telephone This is a system like no other, one that uses exact protocols that once you learn them, become your own personal cash generating secret weapon. Using indicators that look at the market instantaneously from most every possible angle to see setups no other system can. To avoid losses like no other system can. The Only Way I Can See You Losing With This Is Not To Get It Before The 750 Copies All Sell Out. Systems are to traders what tools are to a mechanic or carpenter. You cant trade profitably without them. No more so than a carpenter could build a house or a mechanic could fix a car without the proper tools. IMPORTANT There are people reading this today that are only here for what I am about to tell you next. I must just take a minute to explain something first. I won so many trading competitions that I was invited to work as a consultant for the Surefire Trading Challenge. This is the largest independent trading competition in the world. In my opinion it is the only true competition in the world because it is not run by brokers or manipulated in any way. the rules are so tough only the best traders ever make it to the top. The biggest and best competition was held recently with over 3000 traders taking part. There were two rounds. The first round was a demo round and the second round was live audited trading with real money accounts. The top 40 traders from the 3000 who took part were each given 1,000 in a live round to trade for one month with strict money management rules. . Resultatene var forbløffende. At least half the people here today are here for what I am about to say next. MEN. Unfortunately you cant buy them. None of them are for sale and never will be. No one will ever get to see these highly profitable winning systems. Except ------- My members Thats right. In a one of a kind deal I have secured the rights to the top Forex trading systems in the world and I am giving them to my elite, soon to be wealthy, traders as a bonus. If You Act Today, Ill Give You 3 Systems That Won The Biggest Independent Trading Competition On Earth. Gratis. And thats just part of the fantastic bonuses that you will receive if you manage to get the Forex Secret Protocol today before it sells out. This System Beat Out Thousands Of Others In The Surefire Trading Challenge V6 With A Massive. WinLoss Ratio of: 65 wins 5 losses. If This System Were To Be Sold It Would Definitely Command A Price Tag Of 1000.00 Thats because of its proven ability to produce monster gains. But just like all of these bonus systems, the only people who will ever get it are those that purchase the Forex Secret Protocol today. This system is a Forex cash machine. Intermediate to more experienced traders will love this one. Its a bit more complicated than other systems but thats where it gets its ability to make you money hand over fist. It is uniquely more in tune with what is going on in the market at any particular time than 99 of the systems out there. That means it will rack up winning trades faster and more often. Traders love indicators. They are our bread and butter tools. If you do, you will feel like a kid in a candy store with this system. Thats because of a very different (and wickedly effective) way of using 7 common indicators that rip money out of the market with ease. Wouldnt be great to always know if this is a good time to trade or not Well with this system you do. Thats because it uses the volume indicator, which tells you in a flash, whether this is a good time to trade or not. Basically when there is a lot of volume, its a great time to trade and when theres low volume its not a good time to trade. If you like a lot of good information available on your charts, information that will keep you in highly profitable trades, this is the system for you. It uses trailing stops so the stop losses and take profits are more dynamic. The indicators that are part of this system are common standard MT4 indicators available on nearly all platforms but they are combined in a very unique way that makes them highly profitable. You have never thought to use them in this cash producing way. This is a good system for intermediate to advanced traders because it is a bit more complicated and takes some practice to master, although every trader would benefit greatly from learning this approach to trading. It works on all currency pairs and can be traded on all timeframes. This makes it perfect for part time traders who have a full time job as well as full time traders. It is a more complete approach to trading because it is a method for trading reversals, regular and hidden divergence and even scalping. I would not give you a system, even as a bonus, that I would not trade myself. Once you learn all I have to teach you about trading, you will be ready to easily use complex systems like this now and then just for a change of paceand still make money. Lots of money. I have always believed that any serious trader should have as many good tools at their disposal as possible. If things arent going well, due to something that is occurring in the market, you can try a different approach. Thats why I am so happy to be able to give you these really good systems as free bonuses today. They will never be available anywhere else, these are for Forex Secret Protocol members eyes only. Massive Bonus 2 Another winning system this one took 2nd place in the live round of trading in the SureFire Trading Challenge beating thousands of other systems. The system uses 2 common standard MT4 indicators in such a unique way it stunned the judges. This system is easily worth 1000 but its yours free today with the Forex Secret Protocol. This is an extremely easy to use system. You can trade it on any time frame but it works fantastic on the 1 hour chart, so it is perfect for day traders. It uses 1:1 to 1:1.5 riskreward ratio which means you gain as much as you risk or more on each trade. The indicators that are part of this system are very easy to understand and interpret. This would be a great system for new traders because it is very low maintenance, very uncomplicated. Its also an easy to understand mechanical system, just repeat the same steps each time. Identifying trade setups is easy, theres nothing ambiguous about the criteria for entering trades. Fungerer på alle valutapar. It is a conservative strategy, not an aggressive way of trading so the risk is low. Its a trend following strategy so youre on the right side of the trade most of the time. This system takes the pulse of the market and spits out winning trades at a rapid fire pace. In the largest independent trading competition in the world it saw a one month gain of 167.10 Based predominantly on Elliott Wave Theory, it zeros in on a few that consistently produce profitable trades. It can be used with all timeframes and currency pairs. This system has killer techniques for trading with the trend as well as trading reversals. It is perfect for traders that prefer to day trade, that is, get in and out of profitable positions within a daysession. The Biggest Bonus Ever Offered Is Yours Today. Forex Profitabilty Code Winner Of SFTC V6 Live Money Round with A 100.99 Gain It went up against thousands of other systems in the Surefire Trading Challenge and won. This System Beat 4000 Systems To Win The Live Money Round Of Surefire Trading Challenge With A One Month Gain Of 100.99 In Real Live Money Trading You cant buy this. You cant find it on the net, and you wont find it on any forum, or sharing site. The only people who will ever get this system are the people who get a copy of Forex Secret Protocol. Youre about to see something you will not see anywhere else. You can go and login and see the results for yourself. Thats right, the login details of this remarkable system are here so that. You can see the statement of the account You can login and verify the results This is a live account that you are being invited to verify. How much more proof can there be. Even better, no one, but no one has access to this highly profitable proven system but Forex Secret Protocol clients, and you can become one of those clients right now. Just This One Bonus Alone Could Make You Wealthy, It Is A Mechanical System Proven To Double An Account In Just A Month. Think about it. Being able to double your money each and every month with a system that has been proven to double an account in a month. Heres an interesting statistic. Do you know which 2 things traders want to know most Well, according to 1,978 traders in a survey, these 2 things were what most said they wanted to learn most: - Learn how to trade Fibonacci - Learn a mechanical trading system Dont make this mistake. Some people shy away from learning how to use Fibonacci because they think its too complicated. This unique twist on using Fibonacci, unlike anything you have seen is super easy and as you can see by the 100.99 one month gain in live money trading, it works like crazy. Just apply the indicators and the Fibonacci and you will know exactly where to look for trades. Beginners to experienced traders will love this system because it is very easy to use and has a 2:1 riskreward ratio. That means you gain twice as much as you risk on every trade. It uses higher time frames for analysis which helps you stay on the right side of the current trend and we all know the trend is our friend. Identifying trade setups is easy, theres nothing complicated about the criteria for entering trades. This is a system you could learn in just a few hours and be making money with later that afternoon. It works on all currency pairs so no matter what session works best for your schedule, you can use this system to rake in the pips. Its an easy to understand mechanical system, just repeat the same steps each time and watch the money flow into your account. It could easily demand a price tag of 1000 but the only way it will ever be available is as my gift to you when you purchase the Forex Secret Protocol today. I want to arm you with not just one great tool for filling your account with cash, but several. There are only a handful of truly great systems in the entire world and this is one of them. In a one of a kind deal that had never been made before, I negotiated to have. The Best 4 Systems Of The Last Surefire Trading Competition Reserved Strictly For My Members. Rather than just including a few mini systems for you to play with, I was able to arrange getting you four killer systems that could actually make you a lot of money. These systems have been proven to make money in the largest and most closely monitored independent trading competition in the world. The only way anyone will ever see these massively profitable, one of a kind systems, is by joining me today to become part of an elite group of traders determined to become among the highest paid Forex traders on earth. While no one system on earth can even compare to the complete protocol for trading that you will learn with the Forex Secret Protocol, you will enjoy trading these bonus systems and they are all systems proven to make money. lots of it. Never Before Have You Had The Opportunity To Have So Many Systems With Proven, Audited Results, Which Prove How Highly Profitable They Are This group of traders will quickly become highly successful. People are going to want to learn what it is we are doing. By hitting the order button you are agreeing that you will never share this with anyone outside the private members area. If you can agree to that, and are willing to put in a bit of effort and really learn the system, then I invite you to join me today. Add To Cart 100 No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee Remember, I am taking all the risk. You can get your money back within 60 days. Ingen spørsmål stilet. And you can even keep all the bonuses that you have received. Just think how it would feel. If you could more than double your account each and every month. If you could soon be in the position of not needing a job. To work just a couple hours a day from anywhere you have an internet connection. To not care what things cost because you can afford anything you want. Thats what trading Forex can do for you if you are using the right system with the proper guidance. I know how you keep hearing how some 95 or 98 who trade lose. Heres something else to consider. There Are Thousands Upon Thousands Who Trade For A Full Time Living Who Make Six And Seven Figures. Even traders who make six figures a month. It is not a get rich quick, make money on the internet thing, that doesnt work. Its not multi-level marketing or any of the other BS that you hear about constantly. This Is A Real Business That Makes Real Money. Think about this for a minute. What if you do nothing Are you happy with where things are right now If you are trading are you happy with how profitable you are If you havent ever traded Forex are you happy with your current financial situation Are you happy with your job and do you like getting up and going to work every day Are you going to have enough money to retire when you want to And live the lifestyle you would like If you live in the U. S. heres a scary statistic. I read in the New York Times that the average Social Security benefit is 1268 a month and that Washington is looking a broad based cuts in benefits. Cuts of up to 25. Are you going to want to retire on that Forex Is The Fastest And Safest Way To Build A Giant Nest Egg And Not Be Dependent On Anyone For Your Financial Future. But only if you make it so. I cant stress this enough. I am living proof that you can make a ton of money trading Forex and I am willing to show you exactly how I do it. But Only If You Are One Of Just 750 People Who I Will Teach My Secret To, I Will Not Share It On The Internet, On Social Media Or Anywhere Else. Unless You Are Reading This Page Right Now You Will Never Hear About It. Thats why I am so insistent that you try this today. Because I know it can work for you just like it is working for me and the small group of traders that I had test it. Its been making me money for years. Its how I make my living and its a good one. Dont miss out on what could be the only opportunity you will ever have to get your hand on a Forex system that actually works. There is so much garbage out there. The free information you find on the Internet could cost you a fortune. It happened to me. I want better for you. I want you to let me teach you how to make a fortune trading Forex. Youll easily know within 60 days if this is going to do that or not. If you dont think it is then you havent spent a dime. Hit the order button now and lets get started down the road to making you rich. We can do it together, Im sure of it. Add To Cart A. Absolutely, a new trader can learn this trading system. There is an advantage to being a new trader, they dont have bad habits or preconceived notions that make learning something new difficult. Of course, there is a bit of a learning curve, but for a new trader, this curve can be quick. With the help provided in the members area, the time it takes to learn the Forex Secret Protocol will be cut down immensely. Remember, we have a trader on call and regular webinars especially to help new traders. Q. A lot of systems seem complicated will I be able to do this A. The techniques in the Forex Secret Protocol are easy to follow thats why I can recommend it for new traders also. Aside from the numerous examples and live trades to show you how to apply them, I will also be available to answer any question and help you understand how to trade the system better. Q. Can I trade Forex Secret Protocol with a full time job A. One of the reasons I started to trade this system is that I dont have as much time to trade as I used to in the past. In the same way, people with full time jobs dont have much time to spend trading. I will definitely teach you how to trade your way around a full time job. I understand that most new traders, and even those who have been trading for a while now, do so with a full time job. Anyone can trade this system in just a couple hours per day, and theres a few ways you can do it. Q. Will the Forex Secret Protocol work on any charting software A. The method can only be traded using the free MetaTrader4 platform. If you are a new trader or you have not used this platform before, I have prepared an entire DVD to show you exactly how to use it. The MetaTrader4 trading software very easy to use, thats why it is the preferred platform of many traders. A. On average, I normally win - 80 of the time using the Forex Secret Protocol, but this percentage may vary from trader to trader. In the beginning your result will probably less than mine but I will work with you until you are achieving similar results. Q. What time of day can I trade with the system A. Trading the 4 hour timeframe, you can trade whenever you see a signal that you like. If you trade the 15 minute or less, I would strongly suggest that you stick to trading the London Session. This will go from 8am - 5pm GMT. Anything outside of this will have the market moving very sparingly and without much momentum. A. Forex Secret Protocol will work well on any currency pair, so if you have a few favorites, go ahead and trade them. If you DO choose to trade small timeframes like the 5 minute or even 1 minute, you will want to keep your trades limited to the EURUSD, GBPUSD and the AUDUSD. The spreads are lower and the market moves with a nice flow in these pairs on the smaller timeframes. Other pairs get a little too choppy on the tiny timeframes. Q. How much money do I need to get started A. To get started, I would suggest no money at all. Trade on a demo account and prove that you are comfortable with the system. Once you do decide to go live, start with the smallest amount possible, most brokers will offer a micro account that can be funded with as little as 250. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose, see the CAUTION at the end of this page. This is not a get rich quick scheme. Just be sensible and use common sense. Q. Is there a monthly subscription or is it a one-time fee A. The Forex Secret Protocol, which includes the 6 DVDs, a trading manual, cheat sheets, members area, webinars and all the bonuses, are all for a one-time only fee. You will also have unlimited access to the private members only area for 6 months. Q. Is Forex Secret Protocol a trading robot or a manual trading strategy A. It is a manual trading system that comes with automated software to help you identify the signals to trade. Q. Is Forex Secret Protocol a trend following or a trend reversal system A. Trading with the trend is definitely the most profitable way to trade, and this is how the Forex Secret Protocol is applied. Q. Why are you selling Forex Secret Protocol A. For many years, I have dedicated a lot of time helping fellow traders. Teaching and trading are two of my passions in life. Q. Is Forex Secret Protocol a scalping, intraday or swing trading method A. It is all of the above. It can absolutely be used to scalp the 5 minute and even the 1 minute timeframes, but you can also use it very effectively on the 4 hour, daily or weekly timeframes. The system works on every timeframe. Q. How many trades a day can I expect with Forex Secret Protocol A. This depends on a few different things: timeframe, how many pairs and your time. If you trade one currency pair on a 5 minute timeframe for a few short hours during the London session, you could expect to see as many as 5 setups. Add To Cart REMEMBER: If you take the 2-Payment option (650 X 2), you will never need to make another payment once you have covered the price of the system. You receive all the benefits of a once off payment of 999. Either payment option will give you access to the full course and the members area for 6 months. Your training will start tomorrow, and above and beyond everything I have mentioned, you will also receive specially prepared video training until your course arrives. You will receive some very special bonuses during the next weeks and months if you act today. HYPOTETISKE PRESTASJONSRESULTATER HAVER mange uavhengige begrensninger, noen av hvilke beskrives nedenfor. INGEN REPRESENTASJON SKAL GJORT AT ENKEL KONTO VIL ELLER ER LIKELIG Å HENT RESULTATER ELLER TAPER SOM LIGER TIL DINE VISTE. Faktisk er det jevnlig forskjell mellom forskjeller mellom hypotetiske resultater og de faktiske resultatene som etterfølgende er oppnådd av ethvert bestemt handelsprogram. ÉN AV BEGRENSNINGENE OM HYPOTETISKE PRESTASJONSRESULTATER ER AT DE GENERELT FORBEREDES MED HINDSIGHT. I tillegg bidrar hypotetisk handel ikke til finansiell risiko, og ingen hypotetisk handel registrerer fullstendig regnskap for konsekvensene av finansiell risiko i faktisk handel. Eksempelvis er evnen til å motstå tap eller å henføre seg til et bestemt handelsprogram i spalt av handelsforsinkelser, som er materielle poeng som også kan påvirke virkelige forretningsmessige resultater. DET ER RIKTIG ANDRE FAKTORER SOM ER RELATERTE TIL MARKEDER I ALMINDELIGT ELLER TIL GENNEMFØRELSEN AV NOEN SPESIELT HANDELSPROGRAM, DER KAN IKKE FULLT REGNSKYTTES FOR I FORBEREDELSE AV HYPOTETISKE RESULTATRESULTATER, OG ALLE AV HVILKE KAN DIREKTE GJØRE AKTUELLE HANDELSRESULTATER. Til enhver tid er all informasjon om eller produkt som er kjøpt fra dette nettstedet, kun utdannet og under ingen omstendigheter ment å gi økonomisk rådgivning. No guarantee is represented from any statements about profits or income, whether expressed or implied. Ettersom ingen handelssystem er garantert, kan din faktiske handel føre til tap. Du vil til enhver tid akseptere det fulde ansvaret for alle dine handlinger, inkludert men ikke begrenset til handel, fortjeneste eller tap. You agree to hold forexsecretprotocol, the site legal owners, Old Tree Publishing (Pty) Ltd and any authorized distributors of this information at all times harmless in any and all ways. Ved å bruke vårt produkt (er) betyr dette at du aksepterer vår brukeravtale. Du samtykker ved å bruke dette nettstedet og godtar våre kjøpsbetingelser og godkjenner at du og deg alene må sørge for at bruken av noe av materialene som er kjøpt fra vårt nettsted på noen måte eller form i det hele tatt, er i samsvar med Din nasjonale, lokale, føderale, statlige eller fylkeskommune lover. We dont invest on behalf of anyone and we do not recommend brokers. We are purely an educational company.

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